Battery PIT
The standard high-quality membrane button on the base can be used to call for assistance. In an emergency situation, simply pull the pin from the body of the case. Strong infrared signals will be transmitted to the ceiling receiver unit, thereby activating the system and immediately notifying response teams of the location and type of call.
Once activated and if required during a situation, the PIT can be dropped or thrown, and the infrared will remain unaffected. This type of PIT includes a battery checking circuit to warn when a battery may need replaced and can come in a range of colours to help differentiate Battery PITs for different wards, departments or users.

Datasheet - Battery PIT
The Personal Infrared Transmitter (PIT) is to be used by staff to activate the system and can be used to activate either 1 level of call (Emergency) or 2 levels of call (eg, Emergency + Assistance) depending on the model of the PIT.